Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sorry i havent blogged in a while Ive just been so caught up in trying to beat this new version of plants vs zombies that my friend Daniel gave me.  Im almost on the last level anyway and ive already unlocked some mini-games,puzzle mode,some plants in the zen garden and even the almanac. Anywho I want to talk about my trip to Marilyns a few months ago.  Firtst of all there were 6 kids total in Marilyns house when I went there.  While they were there Marilyn ordered pizza from Papa johns and then brought up the boys some grape sodas. You may think Marilyn likes boys better than girls or something.  But she just seperated the boys from the girls.  Anyway after the delivery boy dropped off the pizza we ate the pizza.  Then we decided to play games so we went outside and played hide 'n' seek.  Then we noticed a air conditioning thingie.  It was surrounded by straw so we got as much straw as we could and piled t on the air conditioning thingie.  We made a face and a beard.  Then it was getting kind of boring so we dumped all th straw on Claire. Right at that time their moms came  and took them home,all exept for Sawyer.  He was syaying with us for a sleepover.  We were upstairs watching tv but Marilyn came up and told us it was bedtime.  We brushed our teeth and came down to the fort to sleep.  We crawled in and layed down  and Marilyn told us that if she heard any noise she would come downstairs and send the "culprit" upstairs to the guest room all by themself.  I was not the one who ended up being sent to the guest room but I have to say my beauty sleep was just what I needed.  Marilyn was eventually taking a shower and so was Sawyer.  We asked Marilyn if we could go outside and she said we could, so we went outside.   P.S We stole cokes before leaving the door Tee Hee.  Soon Sawyer went home and there was only ONE kid in the household of the Arias family.


  1. Only ONE kid in the household of the Arias family, huh? And that one kid was....Julio?

    Sounds like you had fun. Marilyn is a lot of fun whether you are a little kid or a really big one! :)

  2. Sawyer thinks you're the best big cousin EVER! He had a great time playing with you and Benjamin. Thanks for helping Marilyn out and keeping him busy. (PS now I know where his Coke obsession came from!)

    1. tee hee it was his idea to do it . He actually planned to do it in the middle of the night but we had to re-scedge

  3. Sounds like tons of fun. Benjamin wants you to come visit this summer so you can have more adventures.

  4. I am dying laughing! This is pretty accurate even though there might be a few holes. And the part that says "Marilyn was eventually taking a shower and so was Sawyer" may be a tad misleading. Let me add that it was not at the same time! Oh, and now I find out why Claire had all that straw in her hair (you little coke-stealing rat). It WAS a lot of fun and I hope we can do it again someday.

  5. ill make sure to explain myself in the next blog
